Our On-Line Golf Program
Fun and Safety
We aquaint you with cart safety and operation. Most injuries on the course are cart related. You can’t enjoy golf or other times of life in a cast or worse. Combine this with where to stand when others are shooting and respect of other groups keeps it safe and fun.
Getting Ready to Play
You arrive at the course with plenty of time for stretching, the range and the putting green. See what game you have and take it to the course. Have plenty of time to spare for checking in getting a scorecard and organizing your gear, food, water etc.
First Tee Honours Etc.Etc.
Golf is a social game with options for meeting and playing with friends or your matched with someone you may meet for the first time. Who plays first? Who rides with who? Who drives? Then how about your game? We will establish your target alignment with your mental and physical routine to get you started right.
Play for your Health & Mindfullness
Walking and swinging with course and self management all for your health, wellness and mental focus …
Your real return on the investment of your time and money.